

Today I have another guest post written by my good friend Cindy Holder Poole in October 2020.  


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a return to a normal state of health, mind, or strength. ⁣

Recovery is messy!⁣

I haven’t showered in days.....yes, days! Makeup hasn’t touched this face in weeks - no need while sequestered at home with boys, feral cats and a very protective husky.⁣

Recovery isn’t smooth.⁣

Some days are better than others. One day I’ll have little pain and the next can hardly take a deep breath or yawn without intense pain. Fatigue comes in unpredictable waves.⁣

Recovery needs a plan.⁣

What? ⁣

When we plan for our recovery the outcome tends to be much more positive. The mental fatigue of recovery can be lessened by taking a few steps to plan what that looks like.⁣

What goals can you set today to achieve a return to a normal state of health? What small changes can you implement today that will help you toward those long term goals?⁣

Post-Embolization, it looks like this for me:⁣

Rest. Let go of the need to control everything and rest. ⁣

Walk. A bit further every day. It was only a few hundred feet on day one. I try not to let more than one day go by without a bit of walking.⁣

Stretch. I can’t do much yet. But I can do some! Exercise, no matter how gentle or small, decreases tension, depression, and anger while promoting healing. Win/win!!⁣

Dreaming. I will use this quiet time to visualize my next adventures. I’ll research trails and travels - both day hikes and longer treks. These will become my long-term goals.⁣

All of this will morph into a fitness and health routine designed to increase my stamina and strength so that I will be able to make those dream treks a reality. ⁣

Mountains are climbed by taking the first step.⁣

Until next time… 

This week’s #WhenIDieMakeSureMyNailsAreDone 


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