Tons of Joy


I’ve got another post for you today written by my friend Cindy Holder Poole.  Note: I’ve scheduled this post in advance of my starting chemo. The thought process is that it keeps the blog active, and me not having to stress over having anything posted for you each week.

Tons of joy with little physical output

See - you CAN enjoy the outdoors even if your cancer treatment leaves you with little energy.⁣

Ideas:   ⁣

✅Go watch a little league game!⁣

✅Find a park and sit beneath a tree.⁣

✅Find an air park and watch planes coming and going.⁣


✅Go fishing off of a dock!⁣

✅Watch a child or group of children doing ANYTHING outdoors. ⁣

✅Feel the breeze on your face.⁣

✅Watch an electrical storm.⁣

✅Or a snow storm.⁣

✅Cuddle with an animal.⁣

✅Cuddle with your favorite human.⁣

✅Watch a spider build a web.⁣

✅Read something inspirational.⁣

✅Relax while observing the rituals and rhythms of nature; geese flying in a V formation, velvet ants strutting on the desert floor, loons calling out, spring buds on trees, crocuses peeking up through an icy landscape, ice breaking up on a river.⁣

Until next time… 


This week’s #WhenIDieMakeSureMyNailsAreDone 


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