

Don’t let the title of this post worry you. I don’t plan on dying anytime soon. 

But when I do, I want to be somewhat prepared. 

You may have seen me use the hashtag #WhenIDieMakeSureMyNailsAreDone

There is a reason for this. Pure Vanity.  See, just before my sister passed, she insisted that we made sure the funeral home was aware that she wanted her eyebrows drawn back on (She had lost them to chemo)

When I was working, I used to go to the nail salon once a month.  Once I started having to spend my money on medical expenses, I had to cut back on the salon visits. 

In late 2020, I was introduced to Color Street. It was so much less expensive than my salon visits, and so very easy to use.  I decided then that my vanity would be to make sure my nails were done. In March 2021, I thought it would be a great idea to become a Color Street Stylist - because I thought I would be able to get my nails at a good discount. But the commission schedule was not working out for me, and with C*vid putting so many people out of work, one year later I threw in the towel. Besides that, things were heating up again for me with the Cancer - more on that in my next post. 

When I do pass - I’ve decided that I don’t want a sad funeral. I want a fun Celebration of Life.  I think I want to be cremated and the next cruise a family member goes on - they can toss me overboard (the ashes, that is). 

I’ve put together a playlist on YouTube of music to be played at my Celebration of Life. This playlist is a continual work in progress and has songs that I really enjoyed or they have significant meaning to me. The playlist is currently over 50 songs, so I hope the party is a good one!  My next move is to copy the playlist to Spotify.

Here’s a sneak peek…

Do you have any plans for your end of life?  I’d love to hear them. And remember, I’m not planning on going away anytime soon! 

Next week - will hopefully be more upbeat! 

Until next time… 


  1. Mary,

    Like you, I'm not planning on going anywhere anytime soon but none of us are promised tomorrow and it's best to be prepared especially for the afterlife. I think the celebration of life is a fabulous idea. We should choose to remember the person in a positive light. Every time someone we know passes, I question should we think about doing something ourselves. To answer your question, I can't at this time. I guess, we'll know when the best time to get these things in order, though. Thanks for sharing your updates and the music. Your celebration of life party whenever that may be is sure to be a grand one! :) You're always in my prayers, darlin'!

  2. Mary, you would have loved my late best friend from childhood, who died in 2015. Two years before she died she told me that she had made plans for her passing and had decided to be interred in a particular cemetery because it was near a shopping center and she thought that people would remember to visit her after shopping! That was vintage her. When she was 29 she got her first cancer, which required a hysterectomy, and she joked about selling all her sanitary supplies at a garage sale. All I can do from afar, as I did for her, is cheer you on in your latest iteration. The celebration of life is an excellent idea and so is having your nails done and at the ready. P.S. trying to refollow your blog was a process and I'm not even sure it worked but that's the last thing you need to worry about right now. I'll find you somehow.


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