A Time of Transition


Continuing from a
previous post

2021 seemed to be a somewhat quiet year for me.  The Cancer Center was dealing with fallout from Covid, and there was quite a bit of turnover taking place. 

I was doing followup visits with my oncologists every 4 to 6 weeks. Dr Miller started expanding his practice to Jackson Hole and as a result, brought on a second Radiation Oncologist. I opted to switch my care to this new radiation oncologist, Dr Holt

Meet Dr Holt

Dr. Holt is a Radiation Oncologist with specialized trainingin SRS, SBRT, VMAT and High Dose Rate (HDR) Brachytherapy. He received the 2021 National Association of Community Cancer Centers (ACCC) Innovator of the Year Award and is the co-creator of a radiation-compatible video distraction system used to reduce anxiety and anesthesia. Dr. Holt received training at Memorial Sloan Kettering; completed his residency at University of Colorado, where he served as Chief Resident; and graduated medical school from University of Pittsburgh.


I lovingly refer to Dr Holt as Holt the Dolt. What he lacks in medical knowledge, he makes up for in Radiation knowledge - and I trust him 1000% with all of my radiation needs. 

On the medical oncology side of the building, they also had lots of turnover.  It felt as though every other time I went in, I was seeing a new doctor.  It wasnt just doctors they were struggling to keep - there was a complete turnover of staff - only 2 of the original staff remained. 

It was in the fall that my 4th medical doctor came to the Cancer Center.  Dr Hertado from Miami. Whenever Dr Hertado would come into the exam room, he was NEVER alone. He was always followed into the room with a new resident in training and Sunita - an infusion nurse that was working on becoming a Nurse Practitioner.  When I had my appointments, it often felt like I was being seen by the Spanish Inquisition! Dr Hertado spoke so quickly and barely spent any time in the room. It was always ‘so this is what we have planned for you’ and then he would give the plan and leave. Sunita was sweet enough to stay behind and explain and go over everything because I barely understood Dr Hertado.

By the middle of February 2022, I was feeling great.  Wound Care had discharged me from their care, and I thought for certain that at my next medical oncology appointment, they were going to tell me that I didn’t need to come back for at least 3 months.  Once again, I was wrong. 

You’ll have to tune in next week just to see how wrong I was! 

Until next time… 


This week’s #WhenIDieMakeSureMyNailsAreDone 



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