Continued from
previous post

We finally arrived at the EIRMC Emergency Room.  For some reason, I don’t recall being transferred from the gurney to an ER Bed, but rather put up on a table that was a bit higher off the ground.  Because there weren’t any guard rails on this ‘table’ someone was in the ER room with me at all times. 

I recall Dr Miller from the Cancer Center stopping in to see me while I was in the ER. He was the first doctor in this latest ordeal to really give me some hope and assurance that all would be alright. I remember him taking my hand and looking me in the eye and promising he was going to do everything within his power to get my health back on the right track. He was so kind and soft-spoken yet confident. 

Dr Miller excused himself as he needed to start making my specific treatment plan.

While waiting to be admitted into an actual hospital room, an ER Nurse wanted to ‘have a closer look’ at what was going on with my body. She bent down to eye level with the table that I was on. At that moment in time, my body decided to shoot out a large clot (along with more bleeding). She jumped back just in time, as the clot just missed her face. Hey… she was the one that wanted a closer look! 

About that time, another doctor stopped in. I don’t recall his name, but he did state that he was an OB/Gyn. He said that he would be the one they would call if I needed to have my vaginal canal repacked.

They finally got me into a room on the 5th floor of EIRMC.  The nurses pretty much just monitored me and changed out the bedding every time I threw clots and hemorrhaged.  The snow was still coming down pretty hard outside and roads were closing all around us. I was grateful to be in a place where I felt I was being taken care of.  No one could come see me due to road conditions, but I was just happy to be alive.

Until next time… 



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