HMO? Just Say No! pt 2
Brain Fog is a very real thing. My only issue with it is that I don’t know if it’s related to my age, menopause, fatigue, or cancer treatments. That being said, I also do my best editing long after a post has published. That’s my story, and I’m sticking to it!
Hours after I had scheduled my last post, as I was about to drift off to sleep, I realized that I had left out at least one other incident related to my days having to deal with Kaiser Permanente. So today, you get the followup post. Also, I think I need to sit down and organize my upcoming posts so that they flow a bit smoother.
I had developed some cellulitis in my leg. It was extremely painful to walk, and the leg was hot and swollen. I went to the emergency room at Kaiser where they administered an antibiotic via IV. The instructions from the attending doctor were “come back tomorrow for another dose”.
The following day, I returned to the ER for the followup dose. The very same doctor was on call and when he came into the little room I was in, he went off on me, yelling and carrying on about how I should have returned during regular business hours and not presented through the ER. Hmmm…. Nothing in his prior days' instruction had indicated this request. I was still in pain, and still needed treatment.
Something I should mention about myself is that while on the onset I may appear to be sweet and kind, when I am crossed I become less sweet and kind. My mouth loses its filter and I have been known to say some pretty cutting things.
So after the doctor finished his little rant, I looked him square in the face and I said, “I followed your instructions exactly as you provided. If you wanted me to be here during regular business hours, you should have stated that. Further, last time I checked, infection does not know how to tell time. Now how about you do your job and get me some treatment?”
The doctor stormed off and the nurse popped in the room. “I heard some yelling. What did he say to you?” I should note now that the doctor was not a full MD, but rather a PA. I replied with “He’s upset because he is too lazy to complete another few years to get his full degree”
Needless to say, I did get my needed treatment, but the doc did not return to my room.
Another reason I don’t trust Kaiser Permanente is a coworker had told me about her neighbor that had a radical hysterectomy performed there. The surgeon nicked her intestines during the surgery. They sent her home anyway. Less than a week later the neighbor passed.
Until Next time…
Here, on the other end of the country, I had only heard good things about Kaiser-Permanente, at least what they did during World War II (it's an interesting history for those interested in history). But not in modern times. You definitely got some raw deals from them. That PA's behavior was totally inappropriate.